Welcome to Hannah’s Horse and Hoof
Get your horses health on track!
Hannah’s Horse and Hoof is one of the most trusted professional horse husbandry and care providers in Middle Tennessee. Since 2019, I’ve been helping both equids and their owners understand each others needs and create a living space that allows for better health of the whole horse and more productive horse keeping for the owner. Hannah’s Horse and Hoof is a great option for optimizing your horse husbandry and to correct problems that are causing you, or your animal, trouble. Contact me for peace of mind for you and your animals.
About Paddock Paradise Track Systems
Our traditional systems of horse keeping are failing us and our horses. We put this animal, who was designed to move freely, in a stall or square paddock. Maybe you even have an acre or two for your horses to move about freely, but now you're finding out your pastures are full of weeds and you're having to buy hay all year?
A Paddock Paradise Track System can work for you!
What is a Paddock Paradise Track System?
A Track System is a physical barrier modification to an existing pasture, creating a track around it with individual interior pastures, that allows for greater movement of animals and protection of pastures.
How can I benefit from a Paddock Paradise Track System?
Track Systems protect your pasture and promote the health of your animals. Track Systems help protect your valuable pasture from overgrazing, damage from wet weather/winters, noxious weed growth, and excessive traffic; leaving you a healthier, more productive pasture. Track Systems also spread out resources to keep horses moving. More movement produces better hooves, healthier joints, optimum body condition, and a more robust metabolic, endocrine and immune system.

All My Services
For Healthy Happy Horses and their Humans

Paddock Paradise Track System
Design and Installation
Our $75 consultation fee includes a full design and will be applied toward the purchase of your system. Full professional installation with 8+ years experience in engineering and stormwater controls. Add a wide variety of exciting features to your system for mental and physical stimulation for your horses. Designed specifically for your property, focusing on you and your animals needs.

Pasture Management Plan
Designed to simplify your husbandry, this plan provides a month by month break down on how to manage your pastures for optimum nutrition and growth. Lets walk your pastures together with 12+ years experience of plant identification to design a noxious weed program. An investment of $40 to understand how to manage your pastures to save you time and money throughout the year.

Soil Sampling and Analysis
Let us do the dirty work for you. 8+ years of soils testing experience. $50 for first unique area and $10 for each additional unique area, typically one to two tests per acre. $15 for an analysis of your soils which is a point by point breakdown of your results in an easy to understand document.

Barefoot Trimming
There's no more uttered phrase by hoof care professionals than "No Hoof, No Horse" because it's true. Without a functional, healthy foot your horse is not only in pain, but many times is unusable. A healthy hoof isn't obtained solely through a farrier or a trimmer, but through the movement of the horse and the engagement of the owner. I believe my clients owners are my most valuable asset in bringing out the best hooves for each horse.
Every Hoof, Every Horse, Every Time.

“I predict that the natural hoof care practitioner of the future will be less of a trimmer, than a diagnostician of healthy changes in the hoof and an expert at creating natural behavioral stimuli in the track that serve the adaptation mechanism.”
Better Horse Care Together

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