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Barefoot  Trimming

I was taught to trim a little different, likely different than what you’re used to seeing when your farrier comes out. It’s a little harder on me, but it makes my clients more comfortable while trimming. Which becomes even more important when dealing with an injury or arthritis.

My teacher showed me how to listen to the horse. It's amazing how much they can tell you if you can learn to listen. Even with my own horses, that I have had for years, were now able to tell me what they needed from their trim.

The horse tells me where they want to rest their foot for the trim, when they need a stretch, when they need me to switch feet due to being uncomfortable and even if they need something else done to their hoof.

I believe that this style of trimming is the key to a productive trim. If I make the horse hold a foot where it hurts for the sake of myself, I have already lost that first link of communication. That horse knows I don’t want to or don’t know how to communicate and at that point the trim is just a trim and the progress that the horse needs to be made can be lost.

I realize this ideology might be a bit off putting to some and that’s alright. I once felt the same way. Give natural horse care a try and really see your horse blossom.

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